The post where we speak only in english

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 01h56

Hi girls or boys
welcome on...
The post where we speak only in english.

I am found of English.
Unfortunately, I'm not totally bilingual.

That is why I am trying to communicate with others people in English.

So, I open this subject. I would like here we speak only in English.
Therefore, the forum rules will apply.
Good humor, advice to improve ourselves in the practice of this language are welcome here.
And of course, google translator is totally prohibited because it says just about anythings.

I'm sorry for the mistakes

I hope see you soon


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Edité par maclem le 29-05-2014 à 16h49


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 10/03/2015 à 08h02

etoile66 a écrit le 09/03/2015 à 21h18:
Hi !

I had a control in english today ^^

How did your test go ?

Poloche : she is beautiful


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 13/03/2015 à 20h32

Hello !

There isn't many people currently ^^



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 20/04/2015 à 12h54

Hello !

Yesterday I saw a really good movie titled "Coldwater". It's a very well-shot film (I don't know if it is correct xD) but some scenes ( especially one) were hard to watch ...
I really like the final credits' song : "Harvest of weeds" by Kevin Fisher. And, after seeing this movie (with a hard context) I wanted to know what this song's lyrics mean. But I didn't manage to find them.
I do not understand the lyric by ear and/so I can't retranscribe them ? Can somebody help me ?
Thank you very much ! :)

[ Can somebody tell me my mistakes ? Thank you ! ]



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 21/04/2015 à 11h44

I join with you to ask you to help me with my notions for the tray, can I?


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 21/04/2015 à 19h13

Hi !!

I came here a while ago but never came back *shame on me*

I haven't read all the pages, so I just hope everybody's fine! I'll come here more regularly from now on (and don't hesitate to correct my mistakes ^^)


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h05

Hello, everybody!
I don't speak English, but I woul'd like learn english.
I take lessons of english since yesterday.

I need to know speak this language, for travel, and my work (Wine trade).

It's difficult, because I really don't speak English.

I hope to make progress!

I can join you?


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h18

iris600 of course you can join us !
Even of it seems to be a bit inactive from a year lol. Maybe we will motivate some other english people to come back here x')

So, you said you take lesson just yesterday ? But you already new some things for school no ? Because if you speak this good in just one or two hours, I envy you soooo badly XD


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h18

wow, I just discover this topic!
it's a good idea actually

I used to travel a lot when I was student, and I learn English ... in Asia haha!
It isn't the "cup of tea" English by the way, I learn with American friends from California so...

I hope I can join you!


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h27

malk a écrit le 28/04/2016 à 10h18:
@iris600 of course you can join us !
Even of it seems to be a bit inactive from a year lol. Maybe we will motivate some other english people to come back here x')

So, you said you take lesson just yesterday ? But you already new some things for school no ? Because if you speak this good in just one or two hours, I envy you soooo badly XD

Yes, I learned the english in school, but I never liked. I just bases.

I understand your message, I'm happy!

I'm going to do lessons weekly, I hope I will progress!


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h32

Hi girls! (and boys maybe?)

I'm glad to see some new people on the topic! Good luck to those who are just starting to learn English but you're already doing great, it will only get better with time

Do you think we should correct each other's mistakes? Feel free to correct me if I do some


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h54

Shall we? I dont' want correct other people because I don't have a "traditionnal" English and I don't wanna make them shy to write if we correct them everytime

where do you learn? any website you recommend?
I'm happy with my English skills but I plan to travel in Germany this summer or next year ... and my level turns bad haha


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 10h59

kisara Yeah I understand what you mean
I've started to learn English in high-school, and now I'm in the UK for the last year of my degree, on Erasmus


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 11h39

iris600 a écrit le 28/04/2016 à 10h27:

Yes, I learned the english in school, but I never liked. I just bases.

I understand your message, I'm happy!

I'm going to do lessons weekly, I hope I will progress!

Don't worry, english is kind of easy when you got the "logic". And the more you practice, the more you improve !

kisara learning english in Asia ? A bit surprising indeed ^^
For me, it's on the internet that I really started to practice what I learnt in school. I where on an american forum, speaking with people all around the world and especially with the webmaster from New Zeland. It was hard at the beginning, it took me some minutes just to make a little sentence, I was always checking Wordreference or Google translate for help ... But with time, it started being easier and now I'm kind of proud of my english (except for speaking out loud, I suck at it 'cause I never practice and I'm so ashamed of my accent).

liardenne I don't now for the others but I'll be glad if someone correct my mistakes. I'm pretty sure I make a lot, mostly on grammar and "construction" of sentences. So if you see big mistakes, please tell me. I want to keep improving ^^


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 11h43

Today, I did sport, I count in english! hihi !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 28/04/2016 à 11h44

malk Your English seems really good to me! My accent is so bad too.. I'm always afraid people won't understand me because of that
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The post where we speak only in english
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