The post where we speak only in english

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 01h56

Hi girls or boys
welcome on...
The post where we speak only in english.

I am found of English.
Unfortunately, I'm not totally bilingual.

That is why I am trying to communicate with others people in English.

So, I open this subject. I would like here we speak only in English.
Therefore, the forum rules will apply.
Good humor, advice to improve ourselves in the practice of this language are welcome here.
And of course, google translator is totally prohibited because it says just about anythings.

I'm sorry for the mistakes

I hope see you soon


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Edité par maclem le 29-05-2014 à 16h49


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h40

maclem a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h21:
I have a question :
Est ce qu'il y a une différence/nuance entre Thanks et Thanks you ?

It's "Thanks" or "Thank you", and the difference is based on the grammar usage. Thanks is a noun, Thank is a verb. Furthermore "Thanks" is a little bit informal as "Thank you".


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h42

sev_ a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h28:

Don't worry, it's widely understandable
Just remember that a question is formed, in this order, by : Wh (optional) + Aux + Subject + BV

Thanks !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h48

fetuque a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h29:

The word "progress" translate the word "avancer" in French.
For example, "You progress in your project".
Progress is a false friend, your sentence is "I'd like to improve my English".

And you said "You can help me?" but it's a question, the right sentence is "Can you help me?".

I hope I help you

Thanks ! I know it ! I t's a careless mistake...


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h50

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h30:
Hi everybody !

I'm a student in the last year of high school, in the scientific way (Am I wright ?).
As everyone of my age, I have to prepare oral expressions for the BAC, and I have so so so many difficulties to write them
I'm a quite good student in english, "précisément" in writing exercices. I love to learn english words, because I think english is a so beautiful language ! But I'm not good in oral expression, because I'm a little bit shy. Moreover, some of my classmates are like big boss in english, we could think they speak english since their birth !!
So I don't "ose" to speak a lot in classe

Sorry for writing lots, but I have to improve my english for my exam !!

Thank you !

I think you've a good english written expression, and this is important. But, when you search a word, try to find an other word. For "précisément" I used "particulièrement" --> "particularly or especially"

This advice saves me a lot of time

"Oser" translate into "Dare".

Edité par fetuque le 11-05-2014 à 14h53



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h51

I've never understood when to use the articles "the" or "a". I don't know when to put it or not. I only know that you don't use these words for general meaning. If anyone here can explain to me...


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 14h55

C'est en vous voyant écrire que je me rend compte que je suis nulle

My English is very bad



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h02

fetuque a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h50:

I think you've a good english written expression, and this is important. But, when you search a word, try to find an other word. For "précisément" I used "particulièrement" --> "particularly or especially"

This advice saves me a lot of time

"Oser" translate into "Dare".

Yes, my teacher tell us this every week But I'm always searching words like in french ! I'm not good enough to always make my sentences directly in english (but i recognize that sometimes, I can do it ^^)
I'have noticed that watching english series, even with french subtitles, helps me a lot to improve my language ! Now, when someone is speaking english, I understand most of his speech ! And this makes me so happy

In the future, I would like to do a gap year, just to improve my language, and to chat with people about intersting subjects, not ones we talk about in class ... (I don't care about witches or Mc Carthysm , this is sooooo borring !)

Edité par plarazila le 11-05-2014 à 15h04


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h11

lisou56 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h55:
C'est en vous voyant écrire que je me rend compte que je suis nulle

My English is very bad



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h13

lilou77310 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 15h11:


My friend !



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h20

Girls, it's just my opinion, but I think you will have the time to improve your language during the next years
I remember when I was in college, I wasn't very good in expression. But I had a wonderful teacher, who turned me into an english lover

So don't worry, and keep trying to improve your english !

And apart from this, this post is such a good idea !! Now I can work for high school and surf on CA at the same time !! This is the beginning of the end

Edité par plarazila le 11-05-2014 à 15h21


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h23

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 15h20:
Girls, it's just my opinion, but I think you will have the time to improve your language during the next years
I remember when I was in college, I wasn't very good in expression. But I had a wonderful teacher, who turned me into an english lover

So don't worry, and keep trying to improve your english !

And apart from this, this post is such a good idea !! Now I can work for high school and surf on CA at the same time !! This is the beginning of the end


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h32

For you show my level English I have go on Google traduction Because I don't "tout" understand you text ...

It's depressing ... (d'ailleurs je m'aide de ça pour quelques mots)



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h36

I must advise you to go on WORD REFERENCE, when you search a word or an expression. This website always open when I have to work for english class


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h37

I promess, I will post more regulary on this post than the precedent (or previous?)
I make now "wordreference" in my regular tabs (one more , I have currently a dozen of tab sometimes -when my firefox dont crash it's rather around twenty )

Maclem, you are so young to go 2 month in a as far as Australia but I admire you
Are your parents OK?

It's my project in september to go in a country english-speaking with my boyfriend for a year before work really !

I have to translate my summary of traning report when I take it in french .
Will can I take you for correction please?

I hope I don't make so much mistake but I have a very bad level of English in a part because in 4ème and 3ème I had a teacher who prefer that we sleep than we take chaos so we had desorganised lessons

Sorry for the long text !

Edité par lilisondu1741 le 11-05-2014 à 15h47



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h39

lisou56 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 15h32:
For you show my level English I have go on Google traduction Because I don't "tout" understand you text ...

It's depressing ... (d'ailleurs je m'aide de ça pour quelques mots)

Maybe you can say :
To show you my english level, I have to go on Google Traduction, because I don't understand everything about your text

Is it right ? I'm surely not a teacher
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The post where we speak only in english
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