The post where we speak only in english

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 01h56

Hi girls or boys
welcome on...
The post where we speak only in english.

I am found of English.
Unfortunately, I'm not totally bilingual.

That is why I am trying to communicate with others people in English.

So, I open this subject. I would like here we speak only in English.
Therefore, the forum rules will apply.
Good humor, advice to improve ourselves in the practice of this language are welcome here.
And of course, google translator is totally prohibited because it says just about anythings.

I'm sorry for the mistakes

I hope see you soon


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Edité par maclem le 29-05-2014 à 16h49



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 22h50

lilisondu1741 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 22h48:
I agree with other girls, don't worry about your accent ! Your teacher see and ear so much people with a worst accent than yours, you can be sure I agree

And I add that you can improve it enormously in one week

Heidi your are so lovely (yes I use great words )

I think i could breath only when this exam will be behind me


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 22h55

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 22h50:

I think i could breath only when this exam will be behind me

For me, it's the problem with every oral exam (Shy, me? No !!! Just a pathological shyness , by the way, I just see that a post for reserved persons exist ^^)



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 23h09

haha maybe i'll join this post, because I'm shy, but i treat this
But usually, I am not afraid of oral exam, but usually, I speak french And I'm not confident about what I have to talk about ...


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 12/05/2014 à 00h05

I don't know how it is said. Sorry for mistakes

I guess I have a correct accent now but before it was very bad because I lacked confidence in myself orally.

My teacher in 3ème (I don't know the equivalent in British grade ou American grade) said me you must have a good accent and often I cried at the end of the lesson because she was very strictly with me. But, now, I'm found of English. She taught me a lot

Edité par maclem le 12-05-2014 à 00h06



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 12/05/2014 à 16h14

Hi !!

I'm new on CA, I just came for ads, but, surfing on this forum, I cliked on this topic, because I'm very interested in English.

I learnt at school, like most of people, but to improve my skills I spent to months uin Florida, working at Walt Disney World last summer.
I lived with 5 american girls, that was pretty cool !!

I also try to watch series and movies in english.

So, I'll read all your messages ;)

(if I did mistake, because I'm sure I did please, fix me )



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 12/05/2014 à 16h27

So I understood in reading your messages that I need to introduce myself !

So, I'm Louise, 19, I am currently in final internship to passed my DUT degree. I have a "Opérationnel supérieur" level in english (815 TOEIC Listening and reading) and I hope be selectionned to enter in a IAE to specialized myself in Suply chain

I practice horse riding since I am 4, and I have 4 ponies.


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 12/05/2014 à 22h06

Hi and welcome !

What do you do in their life ?



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 13/05/2014 à 09h22

in your life ? (parce que là tu m'as dit "qu'est ce que tu fais dans leurs vies"

I'm student, I passed my 2nd year, and I'll be graduate in June (I'm currently in Internship), I also sent my files (I don't if it is the right word) in different management schools (IAE) to enter in L3 Sciences de Gestion next year.

I have a question : How can I can find a topic is I already post a message on it with this forum ?(whithout spend a lot of time, remembering the title)


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 13/05/2014 à 17h45

lb2201 a écrit le 13/05/2014 à 09h22:
in your life ? (parce que là tu m'as dit "qu'est ce que tu fais dans leurs vies"

I'm student, I passed my 2nd year, and I'll be graduate in June (I'm currently in Internship), I also sent my files (I don't if it is the right word) in different management schools (IAE) to enter in L3 Sciences de Gestion next year.

I have a question : How can I can find a topic is I already post a message on it with this forum ?(whithout spend a lot of time, remembering the title)

You have to click on the link which seems like a bust (on top right). You'll arrive on the "member's space", you click on the link: Cliquez ici pour voir vos derniers messages du forum. And here you are !


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 13/05/2014 à 22h43

Girls !

In the lab where I do my intership, we have an audit with the microbiologist of Roumanie and Amiens (France).
(that to place the action ^^)

Today, visit of the lab and my manager ask me "Alison, est-ce que tu parle anglais?" So, a little
So the Roumanie's microbiologist ask me something like "what is different or better in this lab compared to your chool?" Hum
The last time I did microbiology at shcool was 2 ears ago

In short, I tried to said that I had to ork with Bunsen burner in place to the hood"
I didn't know words "Bunsen burner" and "hood" before today

Luckily, my manager can translate for me

So! I see that I don't say who I'm and what I do in my life ^^

Right. I'am student in last year of studies I'm in "licence professionnelle Développement des produits Cométiques et de Santé". In english, I suppose that is my degree of first cycle of University in Develeppement of Cosmetics and Healthy products. In Vannes.
I do my intership in a microbiologic laboratory for 6 months and 3 weeks in Procter and Gamble in Blois.
I live at my grand parents home.
I want to work (problème de conjugaison là je penses) in cosmetic formulation and start with a kind of gap year in september or october to improve my english language!



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 14/05/2014 à 09h56

Oh thank you so much. It is easier than search in whole forum.

If it is complicated to speak with native english speaker, I think it is harder with non-native english speaker, because you don't unterstand what they say, they don't understand what you say ... like a "deaf dialogue"


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 14/05/2014 à 13h56

MB from Roumania ( or Romania! )



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 14/05/2014 à 14h06

Hi everyone !

Great idea ! You should read your books in english and watching TV.


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 14/05/2014 à 14h31

Hi guys!

I'm Léa and I'm 16 years old ... I have a lot of family in USA (Boston, NY) and Canada too!
But unfortunately... I'm not English, and my english is average I think
My english teacher speak this language every time, but its lessons are not good.

Next year, I will have more frequently english with the option "anglais renforcé"!

For finish... I'm not very good to speak english, but I want to deal with in depth this language, so I follow this topic with interest !!


Membre ELITE Or

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 17/05/2014 à 22h29

Je remonte le post, regarder sa traduction si vous avez le temps.

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The post where we speak only in english
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