The post where we speak only in english

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 01h56

Hi girls or boys
welcome on...
The post where we speak only in english.

I am found of English.
Unfortunately, I'm not totally bilingual.

That is why I am trying to communicate with others people in English.

So, I open this subject. I would like here we speak only in English.
Therefore, the forum rules will apply.
Good humor, advice to improve ourselves in the practice of this language are welcome here.
And of course, google translator is totally prohibited because it says just about anythings.

I'm sorry for the mistakes

I hope see you soon


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Edité par maclem le 29-05-2014 à 16h49



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 15h51

I'm big shit in english speaker


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 16h12

lisou56 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 14h55:
C'est en vous voyant écrire que je me rend compte que je suis nulle

My English is very bad

+1 but I'm ready to try



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 16h14

lisou56 a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 15h32:
For you show my level English I have go on Google traduction Because I don't "tout" understand you text ...

It's depressing ... (d'ailleurs je m'aide de ça pour quelques mots)

When you want to say: "pour", if there is a verb after, you have to use "to" and not "for".
: "ton, ta.." you use your. You is for "toi".



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 16h51

Hi everyone !

I don't speak english very well but I hope if I talk with you I'm going to speak english better.


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 17h19

hipponey a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 16h51:
Hi everyone !

I don't speak english very well but I hope if I talk with you I'm going to speak english better.

I agree with you !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 17h24

My roommate is English and was a teacher in France.He said we're ( french people) not bad in english , but we don't have self-confidence...

My english is pretty good but only when I write or when I listen someone. I have a really bad accent, so I think that "post" ( ?!) don't help me very much unfortunately ...

but really good idea I like it


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 18h00

That's great !! But i speak more frenglish than english ! :/ But i'll try !



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 18h31

HI everybody!
I don't speak English verry well but I think it's a good idea to learn whith this post.
My sister works in England and I would like to but not imediatelly ,maybe in 1 or 2 years.

sorry for the wrong words


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 18h51

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 15h36:
I must advise you to go on WORD REFERENCE, when you search a word or an expression. This website always open when I have to work for english class

I also advise to use, it's the best, even my language teachers tell us to use it !! It's the only website I use for translations/language study.

By the way, lovely post, I'm english, so if you have questions I'd be glad to help. My grammar isn't great because I never actually learnt to write English (I was brought up in France and never went to an english school), but I try my best and know a fair bit


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 19h08

I say A+ for effort, at least you guys try, even if it isn't perfect, that's all that matters.



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 19h38

Guys, I am so worried about my oral exam next week ! Can someone advise me about how improve my speaking ? Because my accent is far from being good, and when I have to talk about somthing ininteressant for me, moreover in front on my teacher, I loose my words ... This is so horrible !!
And I would like to have a good mark, so i'm hopeless !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 19h48

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 19h38:
Guys, I am so worried about my oral exam next week ! Can someone advise me about how improve my speaking ? Because my accent is far from being good, and when I have to talk about somthing ininteressant for me, moreover in front on my teacher, I loose my words ... This is so horrible !!
And I would like to have a good mark, so i'm hopeless !

Don't worry about your accent ! My teacher always says that if the other people can understand you, it's ok. In the business world, all the people speak english but they have different accent. Nobody speak with the perfect accent but it isn't a problem ( except english and american people of course )

And .. Hi everybody



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 22h38

plarazila a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 19h38:
Guys, I am so worried about my oral exam next week ! Can someone advise me about how improve my speaking ? Because my accent is far from being good, and when I have to talk about somthing ininteressant for me, moreover in front on my teacher, I loose my words ... This is so horrible !!
And I would like to have a good mark, so i'm hopeless !

Like Rirou, I'd advice you to not worry to much about your accent. I regularly have to do presentation in front of English native speakers and I've never been marked down for my accent or for occasionally mis-pronouncing some words.

Repeat your speach several times before your presentation, it will help you to not get confused or loose your words during the presentation. The better you know your subject, the easier it is to talk about it.
Also, remember to use simple sentences. It make your presentation clearer and easier to understand for the audience, and easier to present for you.

Are you allowed to bring notes or to use a visual aid (powerpoint presentation, for example)? And is your audience supposed to ask questions at the end?



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 22h46

labananegeante a écrit le 11/05/2014 à 22h38:

Like Rirou, I'd advice you to not worry to much about your accent. I regularly have to do presentation in front of English native speakers and I've never been marked down for my accent or for occasionally mis-pronouncing some words.

Repeat your speach several times before your presentation, it will help you to not get confused or loose your words during the presentation. The better you know your subject, the easier it is to talk about it.
Also, remember to use simple sentences. It make your presentation clearer and easier to understand for the audience, and easier to present for you.

Are you allowed to bring notes or to use a visual aid (powerpoint presentation, for example)? And is your audience supposed to ask questions at the end?

Yes, I have 10 min to write some notes on a paper before speaking in front of my teacher. I have to speak during 5 min, about notions we studied in the year. After that, my teacher will ask me some questions about the notion.

On 3 notions we studied, in my opinion, 2 are very borring and ininteresting. So I'm afraid being not able to answer his questions ! However, I have worked a lot about it !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 22h48

I agree with other girls, don't worry about your accent ! Your teacher see and ear so much people with a worst accent than yours, you can be sure

And I add that you can improve it enormously in one week

Heidi your are so lovely (yes I use great words )
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The post where we speak only in english
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