The post where we speak only in english

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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 11/05/2014 à 01h56

Hi girls or boys
welcome on...
The post where we speak only in english.

I am found of English.
Unfortunately, I'm not totally bilingual.

That is why I am trying to communicate with others people in English.

So, I open this subject. I would like here we speak only in English.
Therefore, the forum rules will apply.
Good humor, advice to improve ourselves in the practice of this language are welcome here.
And of course, google translator is totally prohibited because it says just about anythings.

I'm sorry for the mistakes

I hope see you soon


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Edité par maclem le 29-05-2014 à 16h49


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 17/05/2014 à 22h41

heidi124 a écrit le 14/05/2014 à 13h56:
MB from Roumania ( or Romania! )

When i told i'd some problems in english class(?) 6 ans 7 years ago



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 17/05/2014 à 23h01

Hi everyone!

I want to join you too! I have to improve my skills too.. I made the TOEIC test this year and I worked hard for it. I need to practice writing and listening.
Moreover I will go to Switzerland this summer, for a placement, and I will have to speak and write english very often.

This topic is very interesting, thank to the creator!



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 18/05/2014 à 15h41

princessdiara a écrit le 18/05/2014 à 12h54:
May I join you as well ?

I'm living abroad, using English for both work and personal life (even if I'm not in an English speaking country). So a lot of English in my head and that's why... Even when I talk in French now, I am using some English words

Same! I'm so used to speaking English all the time that I struggle to speak French now... It's a bit confusing and frustrating to struggle to find your words in your native language!



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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 18/05/2014 à 20h51

princessdiara a écrit le 18/05/2014 à 12h54:
May I join you as well ?

I'm living abroad, using English for both work and personal life (even if I'm not in an English speaking country). So a lot of English in my head and that's why... Even when I talk in French now, I am using some English words

Ahah, I had this problem when I came back from Florida last summer. I spoke Franglish all the time. I thought that was fun but some jealous people said "Don't be pretentious Louise !!!"


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 15h34

Labananegeante et Princessediara I have the same problem Even if the vocabulary is right, either the syntax or the phrasing are foreign
And now, I'm trying to speak Spanish, but only German words come to mind I find it very hard to dissociate my languages...


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 15h43

djebeldesierra a écrit le 19/05/2014 à 15h34:
Labananegeante et Princessediara I have the same problem Even if the vocabulary is right, either the syntax or the phrasing are foreign
And now, I'm trying to speak Spanish, but only German words come to mind I find it very hard to dissociate my languages...

The best exercise to switch from a language to another is to be in a foreign country and speak as the same time with people who don't speak the same language x) for exemple in Uruguay i used to speak english, spanish, italian and French at the same time.. First it was reaaaaaaally hard but i improved so much all my languages doing that !

Oh sorry, i didn't even introduce myself

I'm Victoire, I'm 20 and i'm currently studying languages : spanish, english and italian

Please correct my mistakes if i do some (i have no doubts about that )

Djebel, i'm comin to the spanish speaking post to answer you, see, i was talking about switching all the time


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 16h06

I can easily switch languages, and I'm good at translating, I just tend to mix the phrasings up... It's because people usually understand what I mean, so don't need to ask for clarification... And then I never get told it's bad until my essays come back and have bad marks


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 16h19

Yes you're right, people should always correct us, it would help but yeah... A little annoying
The same for some teachers : "if we understand you it's okay, just speak"
Yes but no, i want to speak well


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 17h21

One does need to master the art of correcting though, to keep it nice and pleasant. Then again, some teachers aren't capable of doing it properly
I don't know if any of you have had bad english teachers... but many are really not as good as they should be...
In 4ème and 3ème, I had to do english LV1 because they didn't do german LV1 in my new school. So obviously, being english, the teacher hated me. He was teaching the class vocabulary around planes, and he said "the plane landed down"
I gently (well, I was 12 so it was probably pretty arrogant) explained to him that the correct sentence would be "the plane landed" as "landed down" would be a pleonasm.
So he told me my english was informal, and that his sentence was the formal and correct one (and several classmates made fun of me for this)
Well, I was a bit offended, I speak the Queen's english didn't you know So I brought a bilingual dictionary in which it stated that "attérir" was "to land" and not "landed down".

Edit : I keep forgetting words in me sentences

Edité par djebeldesierra le 19-05-2014 à 17h23


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 19h42

Oh god... Yes, i had bad teachers too... And especially... at my language school, for which my parents pay hundreds of euros every year
Even me (I ? ) , sometimes I noticed some mistakes made by my english, spanish or italian teachers Sometimes it's only careless mistakes but sometimes, then don't want to admit that they wrong even if it's obvious

But I have a greaaaaaat teacher whenever I want ! (my sister )

Edité par badamedvic le 19-05-2014 à 19h43


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 20h16

Hello ! I don't write a very quite english (right ?), but I love english


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 20h38

princessdiara a écrit le 19/05/2014 à 20h24:

I would go for "Even I sometimes noticed ..."

Oh yes, sounds better

princessdiara a écrit le 19/05/2014 à 20h30:

Don't know how you managed that I lost almost all my German skills (in talking/writing, I still understand very well) since I started to live with 3 others languages (French, English, Polish). And I'm so sad about it

It tooks me more or less one month to be able to do that, at the beginning it was a disaster
But now, I don't have to do that anymore so I don't know if i could do it again...

I lose my skills very fast too... The only thing which works is practising, practising and more practising...


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 21h04

princessdiara a écrit le 19/05/2014 à 20h59:

It started ... OMG almost 2 years ago (time's going so faaaaaaast). I know I should find some native German people to chat with but... I'm almost in a hurry all the time

Yes i understand

You live in Poland ? At the uni ? because maybe you could find some german students, that's what i did in Uruguay : in the exchange facebook group i said that i'd like to give some French classes to foreign students : i had an uruguayan pupil, an italian one and an american one; so i could practise with them and teach them some French, it was a really good experience


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 19/05/2014 à 22h49

princessdiara a écrit le 19/05/2014 à 22h32:

Yep I'm living in Poland ; but working full time now (and here no "RTT" so 40 hours a week ). Then I'm going horse riding 4 times a week... Not so much time left

Ooooh you're so lucky ! I travelled to Poland during high school and I love this country ! One of my cousins is living there by the way
Haha, you could speak german to your horse !


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The post where we speak only in english
Posté le 21/05/2014 à 14h26


Posso anchè venire a parlare (o piuttosto scrivere ^^) con voi su questo post?
Trovo che è una buona idea di aver fatto un post così, di potere farsi correggere, ecc.
Chi per raccontare la sua vita?

Oh wait...
It's not the good language
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The post where we speak only in english
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